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Choose the study route that's right for you

Study levels and pathways

Regent offers a wide range of career-focused undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes across four academic areas. We also offer Foundation Year routes and Higher National Diplomas, providing excellent alternative routes into higher education for students without former qualification.  We’re here to help you choose

Choose level of study


A Masters degree (MSc) is a one-year qualification that you can study for after gaining a bachelor’s degree. A Masters is a Level 7 Qualification and can significantly add to your current skillset and employability. By taking a Master’s degree, you will be looking at a particular subject area of your choice and studying it in greater detail. Upon successful completion of an MSc, you can go on to study for a PhD.

A Top Up degree is the best addition to a Higher National Diploma (HND), Foundation degree (FDSc), or an equivalent Level 5 qualification. In just one year, a Top Up degree will enable you to achieve a full Bachelors degree. Upon completing a Top Up degree, you will have gained a Level 6 qualification.

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