Pearson, is a well-known and well respected operator in the education sector. Its BTEC qualifications provide a more practical, real-world approach to learning and skills development alongside a key theoretical background in comparison with traditional academic qualifications. Regent College London is currently operating the Higher National Diploma (HND) in Business with a number of specialised pathways, HND in Digital Technologies (General), HND in Engineering (with pathways), and HND in Health Care Practice (Integrated Health and Social Care).
The College is currently inspected by Pearson twice per year, once via Academic Management Review (AMR), and once via the Standards Verification (SV) process.
The Academic Management Review is centre based, and concentrates on seven criteria, or ‘Review Areas’ relating to how the centre manages its courses. This was formerly called the ‘Centre Quality Review’ but was changed in 2013 to AMR in order to bring its assessment of Levels 4-7 in line with QAA. There is a greater emphasis on overall course management and overall provision rather than individual programmes or pathways.
Our most recent Academic Management Review took place in August 2022 for our business programmes. There were no essential actions or recommendations made.
Standards Verification is an external monitoring process used by Pearson to monitor the quality of assessment within centres. In the case of our BTEC HND courses, the Standards Verifier/External Examiner looked at the assignment briefs (the assessment instruments) and checked to see whether they were fit for purpose. The Standards Verifier/External Examiner will look at a sample of marked work and check the assessment decisions.
The College received its annual visit from the External Examiner in June 2022. There were no Essential Actions resulting from the report.
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