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Accommodation for Overseas Students

We understand how important it is to make the right decision about where to live while you study. Our team is here to help you find the right option for you. This page offers guidance for international and EU students who are looking for accommodation in London.

Explore the different options available to you.

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StuHomes Halls of Residence

We are pleased to be in partnership with Stuhomes across two prime locations across London. We aim to work in a close relationship in delivering outstanding accommodation for all international students. For more information, or to apply, email StuHomes at or call +44 (0)207 242 5720.

Kirby Street

Located in the hidden gem of Hatton Gardens neighbourhood, our Kirby Street residence provides luxury studio accommodation with a 20-minute commute to one of our central London locations at Great Titchfield Street.

Studios here are larger than most providers, starting from 20sqm, and going all the way up to our penthouse rooms which boast balconies with views over the London skyline.

Kirby Street halls

Piccadilly Court

Piccadilly Court is a newly refurbished building located on a parade of shops, and cafes on Caledonian Road, 2 minutes’ walk from the tube station.

Piccadilly Court provides both ensuite and studio accommodation and provides communal building benefits including, a common room, onsite laundry, and a landscaped garden.

Picadilly location StuHomes

Private Housing and Support

If you would prefer to stay in private accommodation either with a group of friends, or as a way to meet new people we have a number of options for you to choose from.

Housing support (via Housing Hand)

Housing Hand is a guarantor service that works closely with the majority of universities and higher education institutions, with the fundamental aim of helping students to secure the accommodation of their choice – without the stress or financial struggle of paying all their rent in advance.

One of the biggest problems international students face when renting a property is needing a UK guarantor. This is a huge worry if you are not able to pay 6-12 months in advance to secure your property. Even if you do pay in advance, you may still need a UK guarantor. Housing Hand can be your UK guarantor so that you can pay your rent monthly. The application process is simple.

If you can’t provide a qualifying UK guarantor, you may be asked to pay up to twelve months rent upfront. This can leave less bargaining power if something goes wrong in your accommodation. Housing Hand can be your guarantor – leaving you to sit back, relax, and pay your rent monthly.

A co-signer is a second point of contact for Housing Hand. They cannot be a student or be moving into the same property as the applicant who is signing the Housing Hand guarantor agreement. They are jointly liable for repaying Housing Hand should you default on your rent. In the instance you failed to pay your rent, we would attempt to contact you and arrange a suitable repayment plan. If we are unable to do so, or should the agreement be broken, your co-signer would then be contacted to pay what you owe. We do not conduct a credit check or require your co-signer to be a UK home owner or resident. Please note, on joint and several contracts, you and your co-signer are required to repay Housing Hand for housemate’s non-payments that have been made on your behalf.

Housing Hand charges a one off fee paid at the start of your tenancy. Prices start from just £295 for up to 12 months cover. The exact fee depends on several factors, including your rent amount. You can get a free, no obligation quote by making an application! Student fee will be between 60-95 % of your share of the monthly rent, subject to a minimum of £295.

For more details, visit the Housing Hand website, or call +44 (0) 207 205 2625.

Contact Us

Our dedicated team are on hand to help with any practical advice on your accommodation options. Email us at or call +44 (0)20 3870 6666.

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