Our strategic plans underpin academic development within Regent College London. These key documents are supported by action plans which set out how our strategic plans will be implemented.
Regent's Strategic Plans
Academic Development
Learning, Teaching and Assessment Plan
This plan is underpinned by scholarship and research and takes account of the requirements of the Office for Students (OfS), our commitment to the holistic development of staff and students through the College’s educational philosophy, Thinking into Character (TiC), and the central importance of Flexible Learning in Higher Education. It also reflects our determination to provide an environment that values and nurtures excellence in teaching, learning and assessment in order to attract, develop and retain staff of the highest quality and potential, and ensure that our home and international students succeed and progress into highly skilled graduate employment or study at a higher level.
Student Experience Plan
Regent College London (RCL) is committed to providing a student experience which fosters academic success and personal development. We aim to increase student satisfaction as measured by the National Student Survey and anticipate that further improvements in student satisfaction will benefit their academic performance.
Scholarship and Research
Regent College London (RCL) is committed to creating an academic environment and culture which are teaching-focused, scholarship-engaged and research-informed. This plan sets our priorities to build and nurture a culture of scholarship, support the development of academic staff, and ensure scholarship has a positive impact on learning, teaching and student outcomes.
Graduate Outcome Plan
Regent College London (RCL) is committed to enabling our students and alumni to successfully engage with employment opportunities.
This plan presents the steps we are taking to meet the requirements of the B3 condition set by the Office for Students (OfS) and ensure students receive up to date and relevant support to achieve their career aspirations.
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