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Dora Vanda Velenczei: Bridging law and technology 

Picture of RCL lecturer Dora Vanda Velenczei.

Regent College London is home to a distinguished academic, Dora Vanda Velenczei, whose work is pioneering the intersection of law and emerging technologies. As a lecturer in law, Velenczei is deeply immersed in the study of public international law, with a keen focus on the implications of cyber blockades. Her commitment to exploring this area further is underscored by her upcoming PhD at Monash University Faculty of Law, where she will delve into the normative frameworks of international law governing cyber engagements. 

Velenczei’s academic pursuits extend beyond the confines of cyber blockades, embracing the broader challenges and implications of autonomous nanotechnology and artificial intelligence. Her research outputs contribute significantly to the discourse on the potential risks and ethical considerations of AI, showcasing her as a thought leader in navigating the complexities of technology within the legal framework. 

Her role as the regional coordinator for the Asia-Pacific region for the Journal on the Use of Force in International Law further cements her status as an influential figure in the study of legal aspects of international conflict and the use of force. This position reflects her commitment to advancing scholarly discussion and understanding of critical international legal issues. 

A highlight of Velenczei’s recent academic journey was her participation in a delegation of international scholars visiting Israel, West Bank in 2023. This experience offered her invaluable insights into the on-the-ground realities of conflict zones, enriching her research and perspective on international law. 

In an exciting development for the academic and professional communities interested in the convergence of law and technology, Velenczei is slated to speak at the 19th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, which will be held at the University of Johannesburg on the 26th and 27th March 2024. This opportunity will allow her to share her research findings and engage in enriching discussions on the forefront of cyber warfare and security, further demonstrating her dedication and impact on the field. 

Dora Vanda Velenczei’s journey exemplifies the dynamic integration of legal scholarship with technological innovation. Her work is not only of academic significance but also offers practical insights into navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital age. As she continues to contribute to her field, her expertise and research will undoubtedly inspire and inform future explorations at the nexus of law and technology.
